Friday, February 4, 2011

took a trip down memory lane

by watching video recordings my mum made when i was a toddler. clips of kindergarten days, playground episodes, disneylands, performances, dad&mum's company dinners. a time when i was curious about just about everything, when i wasn't afraid of singing in front of a room full of adults, when i didn't cry unless hurt. a time when my family was..bigger, more complete. a time when grandma was a lot younger, and when mum looked as beautiful as a china doll. a time when daddy had a big belly, and looked more korean than ever. a time where our family looked..more well off. i still have that book of autographs of disney character signatures.
there's a chinese saying that goes: 三岁定八十 , which translates as the 3 year old you determines the 80 year old you. i think it's quite true.
mum kept saying, "time really goes past faster than you think... all these things of the past..are the past and can't be repeated."
life is so so short.
mum, you started with nothing, worked your own way up and built your empire. i'm so proud of you. i'm want to grow up to become just like you. (minus the marriage bit)

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