Thursday, October 28, 2010

what about them.

i hate this weather.
the only thing that's good about it is that i think my hair has gotten softer. other than that, this weather makes me want to do nothing, when it's clearly shouting crawl under your covers and hibernate till winter's over!
many people would go, pah, how cold can hong kong get? (exactly my words to my mum before i came to hk, when she warned me to bring more clothes..) but seriously, it's cold. cos there's no central heating anywhere. and ust is by the sea. no wonder the english talk about weather all the time. the damn weather has been the dominant thought thats been circulating my mind for the past 3 days. i swear i'm going to buy winter clothes tonight.
and last night as i lay in bed, i've decided that when i start making money, the first thing i will do is set up (or support an existing) charity organization that distributes winter clothes to the less fortunate. there, that's the first part of my dream formulated.


Lidia said...

:) I feel the connection to this post! <3 Sorry i really havent read your blog in a long time. but i love you. Is now one of my home pages.

apple ko said...

:) <3